can i keep driving like this until thursday?
my car (audi b8.5 s4) vibrates a little when braking at higher speeds so at first i thought it was a warped disc, and occasionally after driving a prelonged period of time i would hear a scraping sound coming from the left backside when braking en this would linger on for a few moments when getting off the brake again. but since today the scraping sound has gotten permament, i checked my brake pads and these look like they need replacement? can that be the cause of the scraping sound or i was thinking maybe that the calliper doesn't retract fully after braking anymore. but that does not explain the light vibration does it? i added pictures of the backside brake pads so if someone can take a look if they are still kinda OK. i have an appointment set thursday in the shop and they will check out what the problem is exactly but i want to know if i can keep driving the car like this until then, thanks