Looking for a mecha anime that really clicks. Help me out guys
I know, another post asking for recommendations but oh well. I've never really got into a true mecha series and I'd like help deciding
Context and things I like:
•Something gritty. Serious if not a few lighter scenes. I love the Armoured Core games and if the mecha look like ACs (eg. not too humanoid) even better :)
•I loved NGE, even though EVAs aint mechs. The weird disturbing themes and questions were brilliant. This is mainly what kept me in. Cool designs too. Even the older sound design was perfect, the blood-curdling screams and jumps.
•Not annoyingly sexist/fanservice-y. NGE had a bit, even worse that it's sometimes 14yr olds being sexualised but the plot was good enough to ignore. Not tryna criticise people's shows but ideally there wouldn't be much.
•Love the technical sides, prototypes, specialised loadouts, jets and repairs haha
•Watched only the original gundams (mobile suit 1?). Maybe not the best to start with but it was interesting. Loved the nuanced view on war but otherwise just not drawn in. Open to some newer Gundams if you think I'd like them.
•Thinking of watching 86.
Too many points or is there something you people think I'd like?
EDIT: Wow this got a lot of recommendations, I appreciate it. Will be doing some catching up fs