I quit.
I quit. I just suddenly stopped caring. I have a 3.7 GPA and 3.5 sci gpa (bio major and minor in Chem). Graduated May 2022. I had to leave my parents house right after graduation bcuz it was toxic, and we were poor. I’m grateful that I was able to land a full time job in mental health making excellent money. Brand new car, nice place, etc. But to be quite frank, I wish I had the luxury of living at home so I can study full time for the MCAT. I tried. I got through all of UWorld although it took forever. I got the fee assistance program. With working full time, and being responsible for myself because I can’t live at home, it’s been tough. Be grateful if you have the luxury of living at home and having everything taken care for you. Not to be making excuses but damn. I work 8:30am-6:30pm m-Thursday and I’m off at noon on Fridays. I’ve tried adjusting my lifestyle by doing Kroger pickup, and finding ways to cut time in half for responsibilites/ chores. I really have no time to study. I wish I could have my bills covered and I can just study and work towards becoming a doc. I am so passionate in becoming a psychiatrist/child and adolescent psychiatrist, but my dream has faded with the fact that work gets in the way. I’m tired of pushing myself to the max. I would work 8:30am-6pmish, and then study from 6:30pm-11pm and all days on weekends. I got a lot of progress done, but I’m not where I need to be. I’ve tweaked my study schedule many of times, used chatgpt to help me tweak my schedule, used YouTube to watch videos on ppl working full time and studying… It’s just impossible. Idk how y’all do it but I really tried my best. Less competition for y’all cuz I guess I quit. It’s a shame bcuz honestly I am envious and jealous of my peers who HAD IT MADE. And all they had to do was go to school. I really tried my best but unfortunately I guess my parents have to be doctors/ engineers/ lawyers in order for me to pursue such a field. I held out for so long and the MCAT weeded me out😂 Well shiet! Sorry didn’t mean to make this a sad post. It’s just sad bcuz it’s so much potential that’s wasted on this Earth that we’ll never get to see or witness due to limited resources. Be grateful for what you have!
P.S. I don’t need anyone’s rude comments. Keep it to yourself. I grew up poor/ on section 8. Growing up I always knew I needed to find a way out of my situation one way or another. Yes, you can work any career and make money. But becoming a physician and being a nurturing spirit and soul is my passion. I do great work at my job and I am a strong member in my community. I help people and change lives everyday, and it’s very fulfilling to see the change and impact I’ve made. But I am in a stand still. I’ve had to fight for everything I own. Everything is self funded by my own dollar. Nobody has contributed anything to help me but me. And I still made it out. I just don’t know if I can continue on. The MCAT sux. Help!
Update 2.21.25: Omg y’all this overwhelming support is making me cry! Reading all these comments is so inspiring again. I’m going to reply to every single one. I haven’t heard someone say they’re so proud of me/ giving me that reassurance in like years. I forgot what that felt like, so thank you.. 😩😭 I always had a ‘never give up’ attitude, and it was very very challenging to even TRY to accept defeat.