CARS Strategy Q
Does anyone else find that they can just read and absorb the passages super well and not have to go through each and every answer choice by looking through the text and making sure it is supported?
I'm doing good so far using this "strat" or maybe it's just intuition or luck and I am just reading the passages for 3-5 min and tackling each question in max 40-50 seconds or up to max 1-2 min on hard ones by just using intuition. Only when there are 2 good choices is when I go back but for the most part I just keep moving and flag if I wanna come back.
Have not scored below 131 (but imma say I got lucky on a lot of them and give myself a 129-130 range) yet on CARS on US, FL1 and 2 doing this but I feel like I should start taking more time and like actually correspond the info to the passages.
Curious if this is a sign of luck or if I should just keep doing my strat.