Bad Diagnostic! Does it Get Better?

Hello! I took an MCAT diagnostic and got a 494 (30th percentile, according to AAMC). Compared to the scores I see on this forum, that's obviously quite poor. I wanted to take the diagnostic with no content review to know what I should study for (I take the MCAT on May 31st). I have only taken biology, gen chem, and the first semesters of ochem and physics--but not the second semesters yet nor biochem whatsoever (my advisor screwed me over).

I was wondering if ya'll, the seasoned MCAT stressors and premed veterans, think I will be able to improve this score (specifically a 510 or higher). For reference, I am taking 14 credit hours this upcoming semester and working anywhere between 15-30 hours a week, and I plan to study between 2-4 (excluding practice exams) hours per day. Please let me know! <3