Tested 9/14. Is it too late to challenge a test question today 9/18?

I didn’t realize the ambiguity of a question I saw from the 9/14 B/B section until now and thought about submitting a request to challenge it but I keep having a issue with the online form. I should have no later than 5 calendar days after my test date to challenge a question (according to the AAMC), but when I try to select my test date from the drop-down menu in the form, it says “No items found” so I can’t pick any test date. Is anyone else having this problem? If no date shows up on the drop down menu, does this mean it is too late for me submit this request? I should still have by the end of the day today to submit since it has been exactly 5 days since the test. If I cannot challenge this question, it is what it is. I will live and learn and do better next time, I guess.