My op insanity build

Just thought I'd share this, I know it's an old game but I just gave it a go recently and enjoyed it. The majority is similar to many other builds you would have seen here, turbocharge cloak invasion is well known to be good but there are a few optimisation points which I did not find anywhere else or in many videos.
Assault rifle: weight, clip size, shatter defenses.
Turbocharge: duration, damage, rate of fire.
Combat fitness: consumables (ammo changes your weapon damage type to elemental and adds a multiplier, this skill increases the multiplier additively, eg disruptor ammo becomes 1 + 0.25 + 0.3 = 1.55x modifier to synthetic and shields. More info here I also found the hp regen cap with life support to be 100% even without the regeneration skill, I don't know why, but this makes regeneration skill almost useless) , clip size, personal choice (I prefer in the trenches).
Invasion: radius (recharge pointless), weaken extra 10% debuff, virulence explosion
Tactical cloak: damage, duration, combat cloak. Escape artist pointless as shield recharge delay ticks during cloak so almost always you recharge the moment cloak ends.
Offensive tech: personal choice, damage vs synthetic (stacks with disruptor ammo and consumables multiplier), elemental tech (causes fire, ice, lightning ammo to deal 35% multiplicative damage).
Team defense: support, personal choice, life support.
From here just continue adding to passives. Barrier is a good first choice. Then just bulk up combat, then tech. Add sniper rifles and a bioconverter isharay for some fun.
Main dps points are that ammo changes your damage type to elemental, which is multiplied by a good amount by combat fitness consumables, then multiplied by invasion and by elemental tech. These interact in a really powerful way, far better than technical rounds.
Gear: Valkyrie with full auto, double mods, bioconverter, 2 coils. Beam emitter is very good instead of a coil and works with full auto aug (make sure you apply both beam and full auto augs, the stat change impacts the beam dps) but I found the limited range a nuisance. Hornet is a dps loss but still amazing. Dhan and Hesh are higher dps but lower once shatter defenses is considered from assault rifle as it is multiplicative. Pirahna is a dps loss as automatic fire mod can't be applied. It is already full auto, but the rate of fire increase mod is really good for dps since the damage loss is subtractive.
. Full pathfinder armor with support modules for focused on power restoration and defense. Why? This stat impacts invasions defense debuff, so instead of 40% multiplicative damage you are looking at probably 80% once power restoration and defense is factored in. This is a much larger dps increase vs invasion targets than the additive increase from maverick/kett. ( ) 4 kinetic coils in chest is preferred over 2% power rest/def as all damage resist applies to bioconverter self damage, combined with pathfinder armor you will be very tanky.
Shield oscillator in chest. Fusion mod of adrenaline.
Profile is soldier at all times. It is not widely known but if you kill 2 enemies within 5 seconds you get a 10 second buff which grants 50% weapon damage bonus and 250 current and max hp. This can be extended each time you kill an enemy. When it ends, you lose the max hp but not the current hp - so you can actually self heal using this mechanic before unlocking life support or coras heal. Kill two grunts to get the buff, then pop cooldowns and you will oneclip a fiend or mech with special ammo, probably before cloak ends. .
I've tried lots of variations and found this to be the most optimised version of the widely popular turbocharge invasion tactical cloak approach.