ACI N95 safe to buy from Amazon? Duckbill strap thoughts?

Hi all, has anyone figured this out? I just can't stand the shipping costs on any other site that sells masks. I have been using gerson+ masks bought from Amazon, but I wanted to try a different duckbill since the straps on gerson break so often. Also down to hear opinions on if the ACI straps are any better or if there's a better duckbill you'd suggest strap wise (not vflex, they're too close to my face). I'm not in covid safe housing while also being housebound, so I'm putting masks on anytime I leave my room. And now you can see my problem with the Gerson's probably, while also they are the only mask shape I've found that fits my petite face.

Hi all, has anyone figured this out? I just can't stand the shipping costs on any other site that sells masks. I have been using gerson+ masks bought from Amazon, but I wanted to try a different duckbill since the straps on gerson break so often. Also down to hear opinions on if the ACI straps are any better or if there's a better duckbill you'd suggest strap wise (not vflex, they're too close to my face). I'm not in covid safe housing while also being housebound, so I'm putting masks on anytime I leave my room. And now you can see my problem with the Gerson's probably, while also they are the only mask shape I've found that fits my petite face.