Spider-Man Wishlist Wednesday:

First, a Spider-Man “Torment” 2-pack. Since a battle damaged Spider-Man is on one of the leak lists floating around, the Maximum Spidey’s based on McFarlane’s art, and Hasbro already has most of the tooling available for this Lizard, I thought this would be a sick 2-pack. Spidey would reuse most of the Maximum sculpt, with new parts for the tears in his costume, and Lizard would be mostly the same, but with claws on his hands and feet, and maybe exposed knees

Since they’re doing these mixed “retro” waves, doing classic and modern, I wanted to try a 50/50 split, so:

  • Calypso: Next to no chance that this gets made, they didn’t even make Kraven in this costume, but she ties in with the Torment 2-pack, and she’d genuinely be a really cool figure. Shriek buck with some new overlays

  • Spider-Carnage: Could definitely do with an upgrade from the Rhino wave. Put him on the RYV’s buck to fit with the other Ben’s, reuse Carnage’s head and hands, but new arms and legs for the symbiote tendrils

  • Swarm and Spiders-Man: Both of these dudes would be some really cool action figures, and with the No Way Home Sandman body, they have a buck with a solid foundational texture. Spiders-Man needs some new hands and a Retro Spidey head, Swarm needs a new head and some gloved forearms, plus a hood and cape

  • Teresa Parker: I’d love to get Pete’s sister in the line, the wing suit’s a fun design, so I think it’d be a cool figure

  • Big Time Spider-Man: Mostly to get a semi-normal Spider-Man into the wave. Personally, I’d want him to be on the Amazing Fantasy body, but RYV would be fine too

As a backup pick instead of Calypso… Vermin? Sure, why not

I know we’re getting a new deluxe Kingpin this year… but c’mon, Hawaiian shirt Kingpin. You know you want that.