A bot warning
I suspect bots only because of the accounts beyond obsessed with Michelle being beautiful are also being extremely rude, aggressive and divisive in an attempt to completely control the narrative and silence critics through personal attacks and downvote swarms and account stalking.
I haven't noticed that level of aggression and delusion with respect to Karla, but Karla was never really receiving a lot of hate so the 420 queen posts didn't receive the kind of pushback the Michelle posts do.
Reddit reality TV pages have in fact been seriously overrun by bots for a decade now. There's a common pattern to it all. It's always: cast member gets shit at beginning of season, suddenly posts start appearing offering alternative facts about what was broadcast and/or insider info and immediately get record likes, users push back against these posts in the comments showing a disconnect between upvotes and engaged users, new accounts suddenly pop up with oddly detailed info or just new accounts that make violently black or white comments, a battle ensues so bot armies are brought out to get downvotes into the double digits, users slowly become influenced and start parotting lies and alternative facts or in general getting aggressive about people not following the groupthink. At that point it get's very difficult to tell a real user from a bot.
We're currently at the last stage. It will completely disappear as soon as the season is over leaving only the regular uses who will return to disliking the cast member once the bots are gone.
I have modded several reality TV subs and gotten dozens and dozens of bot and stalker accounts banned from Reddit. If you don't recognize that bots make up half of social media accounts you're living 20 years in the past, it's just reality now. It's not paranoia there's so much research available on the topic. My best advice is to not just accept everything you read on social media.
Reality TV is pure entertainment, no one should be engaging in the kind of name-calling, aggression and divisiveness the MAFS subs have been experiencing over people you do not know and who do not affect your life. When users go after a user and calling each other names over whether or not a D list reality TV star is pretty or not --- bots are involved. Trust me.