So you're telling me

Somebody as smart and successful as Michelle.

As honest and intuitive as Michelle.

Cried in a bathroom at her wedding.

Sat there and told her friends she knew she was a pill and needed to do better.

Got mad because he called her apartment "simple."

Sat and listened to Dr. Pia give tell her this is what she asked for.

Sat and listened to Pastor Cal tell her to try harder.

Consistently made snide remarks at David and get mad, then apologize and reverse course, only to repeat the same cycle again.

Hijacked a whole one month anniversary to discuss David's attire.

Told David she was working on things even though it was obvious to anyone watching she wasn't.

Who knew nobody liked her (you can tell the way the cast reacted to her David texting revelations and how she reacted to it she knew).

ALL while holding the get out of jail free card that she thought he was a liar and a cheater the whole time—and I mean the WHOLE time; like five minutes into meeting him, since that's when she started acting shitty—and not ONCE played it in her defense, nor told told anybody on camera she thought it, not once harped on his lack of honesty, proclivity towards partying or propensity to cheat, instead opting to focus on where he lives and his clothes ad nauseam to the point she was getting dragged on social media?

Because if I'm to believe that Michelle "clocked it" from the beginning, that's literally what you're asking me to believe.

I swear, I REALLY want to meet the Michelle y'll think she is.