My girlfriend wants me to propose.

I am 21, my girlfriend is 23. She is my first girlfriend as I spend my younger years pursuing academics and men. I decided to get a girlfriend at 19 and we ended up getting pregnant on month 3.

Long story short, my daughter is now one and we have been together for 2 years now and she has been talking about me proposing for a year now. When we had been dating about 6 months and she was pregnant I proposed and she said it was too early and rushed. Now I'm an engineering student pursing my BA and running a small business and I see no possibility to fit in a wedding, let alone pay for one.

I was going to propose on Christmas but when she found out she got exited but told me "just so you know, if you are proposing to me so I stop bugging you, I'm only going to bug you more because I an gonna start planning the wedding right away." Now I don't know what to do.

I believe there is some inevitability that we get married, given the fact that we share a beautiful daughter, and have been together for years, but I'm just not eager to get married, I could care less about sex at this point so I don't see much changing. What now?