I think I'm starting to hate my wife

So I've only been married a short time. I created this throwaway account so that I could vent. I am going insane. There's so many issues and I can't mention any of them to her, because she'll go ballistics and I just don't have the energy to deal with that now.

Here's just a few:

- Nagging. Oh my word, the fucking nagging. It's non-stop. Even though I am dead tired from working two jobs and being married to this battleaxe, I really really really try to do everything right. I always do all the dishes after I have made food (see below), I go out with the trash (which is sorted according to type), I tidy after myself *and her*, I *pay* for having our house cleaned twice a month, I do the laundry at least 50% of the time and I always sort the laundry properly between her clothes and mine. The few times she does the laundry, everything is just heaped together so that *I* have to sort it all anyway. But still, she finds every single little opportunity to nag. And usually, it's not even me that has forgotten to do a chore. Usually it's *her* that has neglected something, but she blames me for it. A good example is if she has forgotten to do the laundry she was very vocal about doing, she nags to me about not reminding her. If I have done all the possible chores, so that she hasn't anything concrete to nag about, she makes some shit up. For example: "don't use that pillow, it looks messy when you use that pillow instead of the these ones" or "don't walk with such heavy footsteps, it's noisy" or "your voice is too loud, talk lower" (I have a perfectly normal voice) and so on.

- Fighting: I **hate** fighting. It's the single worst thing I know about. I do absolutely everything I can to avoid it. I cannot stand fighting, probably because when I grew up my parents fought every day. I just want peace and quiet and a loving marriage where one supports each other. But my wife **loves** to fight. She gets off on it, I think. So she tries her absolute damnedest to get a fight going. Usually about nothing. A good example is her just suddenly getting pissy. No reason for it at all, she just suddenly goes from being quite happy and content, to five minutes later going completely silent and the mood drops like a rock. If I ask what's wrong, she acts out and starts to complain about something she makes up then and there. The few times I cannot hold my tongue, and I dare to argue back, she goes in a complete rage and starts screaming and crying and making a huge scene. Naturally, the rest of that evening/day is ruined.

- Food: I am a **very** considerate husband. I make about 80 % of all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), *even though she is on sick-leave and home 24/7*. And no, she's not seriously ill as in bedridden. She's just tired from work so she took a few weeks off. But she uses the sick-leave to say that "she didn't get sick-leave to be a housewife, she needs the time to recuperate". So I make most of the food, and the food we do not prepare at home; I pay for.

- Money. She doesn't bring in anything, almost, to the household. She has a job, of which she bitches about every single day over and over again. It pays shit, but she wanted it. She barely pays her share of the mortgage, but nothing more. I have to pay for the car, all insurance, and at least 70 % of all groceries and shared expenses. Yes, my job pays more than hers, but she shows **no** gratitude for the finances I put in. I would be happy to contribute as I do, as I am fairly conservative minded, but I am getting worn out by her never, ever, showing any appreciation of the **vast** amount of money I put in just because of her.

- Sex. She treats sex like a huge favor to me, not something she enjoys. It's rare and boring. No anal, no blowjob, no dirty talk, nothing naughty or fun at all. Just vanilla wham bam thank you ma'm. And no, she doesn't want me to go down on her or do any foreplay. I have tried for years to understand what she likes or wants, but according to her the perfect sex is a couple of minutes of no-foreplay missionary once a month. Naturally, I need to let off steam by masturbating instead. But if she finds out I have jacked off, she starts a fight. So I need to sneak about like I did at home as a teenager.

- Complaining. She complains about everything, all the time. Especially her 'friends'. All her girlfriends are massive bitches that society would not miss. They treat her and everyone around them like shit. But she won't drop them, so she complains about them instead. For hours at a time. I do not give two flying shits about her friends. They're certainly not my friends.

- My time with my friends. I have no social life left after getting together with my wife. Almost all my friends ditched and the few I have left, I am not allowed to see. The very few times I get a chance to see them, my wife makes sure to make it as miserable as possible. I cannot be out later than 23. I have to call in and check on her. Little or no alcohol. I have to report to her exactly who was there and what took place, and she'll check.