After 8 years of marriage. Need honest advice
I 30F is married to 33M for 8 years. For context, we are Indians and it was an arranged marriage. During the proposal we both lived in city A and just 3 months before wedding he moved to city B with taking my opinion (a rural place where I have no job prospects). We have barely lived with each other (1 year), he has sexual issues which he declines to admit. I was a virgin before wedding and understood very late into to marriage that something is not right. He denied sex to me for 1.5 years.
I moved to a different country(US) for us to live together and he promised to join me( abandoned me there for 1.5 years). Now I am back in India and asking him to move to a place where we can live together and we both can work. From an earning potential standpoint, I earn more than him but his job is more secure. Please tell me if my idea of marriage is wrong? Am I wrong anywhere?