Husband says “he can’t live like this anymore” due to lack of sex

My husband and I have been married for 2.6 years now. We got married young (both 24). We're now 26, turning 27 soon. We met and got married all within a year.

Shortly after we got married, we started having very heated arguments where my husband would get angry and break or punch things. This really put me off him subconsciously and I although I tried to forgive and move on but toxic arguments carried on. In the past year or so; the frequency of these arguments have reduced but and we have really tried to make things work - our arguments were never serious, we worked on our communication skills so things don't get heated. I think all this has subconsciously affected my sex drive.

I can adore my husband, look at him and find him attractive, cuddle, kiss him but I find it really hard to have sex with him. I've got my hormones level checked and everything has come back normal. I have NO desire to have sex and I feel like I could go years without having it. Which I feel is not normal for a 26 years old.

Today, my husband initiated sex and I didn't want to have it so I didn't let it carry on. He got really frustrated and started saying how maybe we should have an open relationship and how he wants a second wife etc? Wtf? He also said he just sees me as living with a housemate at this stage along with few other hurtful things.

I feel so upset about this situation and honestly don't know what to do. My husband generally is very nice, funny, charming, caring and has visibly worked on his anger issues and tried to do better.

On one hand, I feel like I could make it work by trying to be more "sexually" active (which I have been trying)

Or just call is quits because clearly we've had issues for over 2.6 years. When is it "long enough".

P.S. I work a full time job and I also help him with his business so our routines are very back to back day to day with gym, work, house chores etc. I also moved cities after I got married and have just hated being in a smaller city. Before we got married, my husband said we'll back to my city within 4-6 months but that never ended up happening as his business wasn't performing as well so his income reduced significantly. We've a plan to move this year but honestly with his current income I don't know how that's going to be possible as the city I'm from is very expensive. Sometimes I feel like I had a very different image of the man I married and the man he actually is? As I only knew him for less than a year before we got married, I feel as though, if I had known him for longer and saw his anger issues before hand, I wouldn't have married him.

Anyways, any advise here would be appreciated.