Do I end my marriage over this?
My husband 34M and I 33F have been together 14 years. In the beginning of our relationship there were issues with him seeking attention /giving attention to females through social media or online and every time it was women who were thicker/curvy and most times Latina. I am very small framed white and am quite the opposite. I have no issues with my looks and have never had a problem with men being attracted to me
We almost divorced over this many times but I thought we were past all of that with therapy however I found him following the same type of girl online again and I can’t help but think I am just not my husbands type if he is seeking these type of women. Do I end the relationship over this ? I have a feeling it will not change and but he won’t end it even though I am clearly not his type why does he stay? He has no issues getting women and I feel I would be best off with someone who doesn’t feel the need to do this.
EDIT: 1. He has crossed the line in the past, but not physically 2. this woman he followed recently is from where we live, follows him back and is average girl/not an Instagram model or anything like that.