My husband is telling me to get a boyfriend instead of divorce

Long story short. It’s a marriage of 1.5 years and he never consummated the marriage, not interested in anything sexual. I assume that it’s his asexuality. We are also emotionally disconnected. We cannot have one deep conversation as it bores him after a while. He lacks emotions, so I can’t even open up with this shell of a person. He doesn’t know my friends or cousins, he just doesn’t care unless it’s required when he is meeting them. Yesterday he was telling me that depression and anxiety is not real and even if it is, it is not for him. I can understand because he tells me that he doesn’t remember a time in life when he cried, not even as a child. He says he is mentally so strong that he never has a weak moment. There was a time when I cried in front of him and rather than asking me what it is that’s bothering me, he continued watching TV. Lack of emotional and sexual connection of any sort is taking a toll on me and I have communicated to him several times that we should divorce and to this his logical response is- 1. It’s a loss for you as you will never get a guy like me who gives you so much of freedom. I am not like other guys who are controlling. 2. No one will marry you. I can move on easily and can get a partner as I am a guy. 3. Even if you do, you will end up single, it’s better you get a boyfriend, as I know you will get bored of him and will realise that I am the best that you got. 4. If you marry someone who is better than me, then divorce is a good option but the chances are slim.

He is not the jealous or controlling type. He is not interested in who I am talking to or meeting. Right now, I am not even sure if I married a human, he is like a computer. And he is intelligent and has got the good looks, has a great salary package but I feel like running away. Also my question is Can any husband tell his wife who he loves to get a boyfriend?