I am stuck in a loveless marriage with a narcissist. Marriage unconsummated for 1.5 years and now I am slipping into depression.
We fixed our marriage only one month into dating and this was the worst and the hastiest decision of my life. He was the perfect boyfriend material, loving, caring, understanding and what not. This love bombing was on a different level. Soon after marriage, his personality changed completely. Even the honeymoon was disastrous. We had no communication and no intimacy. He would prefer scrolling reels when I would talk about myself or my life. He got annoyed when I asked him to take my pictures. We did not even kiss on our honeymoon. Only thing he would talk about is money, stock markets, science and tech ( he is a geek). We never talk about our lives, our childhood, our families. He doesn’t even take interest in knowing who my friends and family are. At home, I am simply a caretaker who would iron his shirts, make sure food is ready on the table and the household is clean. I have hired a maid to do cleaning and cooking as I am a working woman. Only time we spend together is watching Netflix or movies together. So basically there are no conversations. 5 months into the marriage he decided to have a foreign trip to Paris. I told him that I was short of money at the time and that I would be okay if he decides a destination that is affordable to me. Our thing was always paying 50:50 of the expenses. He refused to change the destination and went ahead with the trip without me anyway. I was a little heartbroken. I told everyone in my family that he had an official trip so had to go alone. He has a very demanding work schedule and he is very busy with work so I tried to blame everything onto his job. At home, we have been sleeping together and still he never consummated the marriage. I tried kissing him but he would always refuse. We never took off our clothes and be naked in front of each other. He would always change his clothes in another room and not in front of me. I asked him why there was nothing sexual between us he would blame me saying it’s because I don’t want kids right now or would say it’s because I refused to go to the trip or to the movies or he thought that I wasn’t ready. Every time he tried to kiss me, I could feel that it was mechanical and was doing it only for the sake of shutting me up. I told him that I was ready for a sexual relationship but despite that he would say he is busy with office work, he is stressed, he is feeling sleepy or hungry. He usually doesn’t get many leaves and gets one week mandatory off at the end of the year. I thought we both could go somewhere but one of his friends planned a trip with him. I told my husband to include me too as I had also applied for leave. Just few days before the holidays. My husband told me to go on a solo trip because if I am on the trip along with them that would increase the trip expenses of his friend as he will have to take a separate room. He went ahead with the trip and I spent the entire holidays alone at home heartbroken. He also did not spend our first new year together with me. After he returned I asked him if he had any guilt and he blatantly said no and it was my fault as I should have told him long back if I had a plan to go with them. At one time, I had a very stressful period in the office that I almost broke into tears after coming home. My husband told me that my office stress is incomparable to his office stress and then continued to watch TV while I cried in front of him beside the sofa. I was shocked to see this behaviour. After a few months, I was so stressed that an autoimmune disorder relapsed but my husband did not pay attention to it saying it was incomparable to the kind of autoimmune condition he had when he was little. He didn’t bother so I went to the doctor with my brother and I am on medication ever since. My husband doesn’t care to ask what the doc said, what medications I am taking despite seeing that things are getting pretty bad every passing day. I have to figure it out myself. He doesn’t help me when I am in the kitchen or when we have to setup or clean our house. He keeps acting like a small kid getting away with everything and harsh things he says or does to people. He tells me he wouldn’t have married me if I had no job or if I weren’t fair skinned. On my promotion, he simply texted congratulations to me, didn’t bother to congratulate me in person or to celebrate it. He didn’t even inform my in-laws about it as if it was nothing significant. It was a big thing for me and his reaction to it hurt my self confidence. I have realised that my husband is a narcissist. He has a very superior view of himself, he believes that he is always right. I have never seen him apologise or be sorry for anything. You cannot win any argument with him he readily puts the blame on others. Everything should happen according to his wishes or else he gets super annoyed. He once told me that he doesn’t even remember anytime in life when he has cried. He says he doesn’t understand why people even cry. He is very popular and has a good name amongst his friends. Nobody would believe that he treats me the way he does. There is no physical or emotional attachment and there will never be. Marriage has not been consummated despite staying together for 1.5 years. My parents are telling me that it’s all fine as this is not a case of domestic violence. They are telling me that I shouldn’t break this marriage so easily. I should try to save it. But only I know that there is nothing worth saving in this relationship. I am suffering inside and slowly slipping into depression. What should I do?