My husband pushed me off the bed
I finally put my son to sleep after 30 minutes and left to have my late dinner. 5min and he was up again so I went back and after a while he was dozing off. And my husband absentmindedly open the door and the creak woke baby up again. At this point I was so tired and hungry, I left so my husband could try putting him to sleep. He couldn’t so he called me back. That’s when things got heated. We exchanged angry words then I told my son ‘why don’t you just stay awake!!’ Or smt like that. My husband was mad at that remark so he pushed me and I fell off the bed. Now I don’t clearly remember but it’s definitely not the first time he’s shoved me. I know this sounds cliche but yes he’s the best dad and I was also being too impatient with the baby. Please what should I do about this situation?