Can you share your positive copper IUD story?


long story short. I have two kids, twins. I am done having kids. I couldn't get a tubal with my c-section because my husband told me that it was gonna have bad side effects for me. I listened to him thinking that he told me that because he wanted to have more children and I didn't want to end it there if he had that wish. After having my twins he told me that he did not want to have anymore children, I didn't either. I don't want to do a lap tubal and he doesn't want to get a vasectomy. I don't want to do hormonal birth control because I break in acne. I want to do the copper IUD but I am terrified after reading all the horror stories on reddit. For my benefit, I need to gather the courage the get the copper IUD as it las for 10-12 years and seems to be the best option for me. Can you please tell me good copper IUD stories so I gather the courage to get one? I have already scheduled an appointment two times and I canceled two times. I know that some of you are gonna say that it hurts less than child birth but my c-section went pretty easy and my children are pretty calm I'm also lucky for that but I don't want to add any more children to our family.