Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

I have my criticisms of Marina too, but some of y’all really be overanalyzing everything she does, even cringe TikToks. It’s good to be critical, but sometimes it’s not that deep. Like you can dislike some of her newer songs and be normal about it. You don’t have to like everything your favourite artist produces, you can just dislike it and move on sometimes. I’m not a glazer by any means, and thought Butterfly was a good 6.5-7/10, and my fav album is Electra Heart, but some of y’all are so overly negative when you’re criticizing her that it’s a bit much. Yeah she’s kind of out of touch, but she’s a rich celebrity now, so I’m not sure what you expected. Most of them are like this. Maybe it’s because I’m a newer fan or something that I’m not as deeply affected by this.