Wolfstar and Remodora can coexist

Why do people act like you can only have one relationship in your whole life? It's possible for both Wolfstar and Remodora to be a thing in the canon universe and I hate it when people disregard the latter which is literally very much canon unlike wolfstar, it's okay to dislike a ship but to disregard it's canon existence is baffling. I see many Wolfstar shippers claiming Remodora is a lavender marriage and that's so goddamn hilarious because how did you even manage to come to that conclusion?? The whole point of a lavender marriage is acceptance in society and that was not the case with Remodora, their marriage literally made Tonks an outcast, they had to hide their relationship from ministry officials so where exactly does this reads lavender marriage coded?? Remus justified abandoning Tonks and their baby because he felt he had blacklisted them from wizarding society by marrying her.

Also I think the new wolfstar shippers are just Remus fans because the whole discourse surrounding this ship feels like a disservice to Sirius's character for the purpose of putting Remus on a pedestal and giving him Sirius's personality, looks, intelligence even his height lol