Endgame players should not be supporting totem removal just because they don't need them anymore

For context, I have a well developed endgame account and train extensively off totem already (the exp I've gained without spawn boosters is enough to level from 1 to 280). Removing totems will barely effect me but I still strongly oppose the removal.

I wouldn't say this is a particularly popular opinion among endgame players, but its a very dangerous one since it's promoted by some fairly prominent members of the community. More junior players look up to these people and follow their opinions because they don't know any better. I see this occurring on many different platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and Discord. This is why it's critical to have the respected members of the community voicing feedback which will help steer the game in the right direction.

We know for a fact that Nexon does listen to some of our feedback: the boycotts earlier this year finally fixed the years old problem of server instability in Reboot. Now we enjoy actually functioning servers rather than everyone fighting over the 8 channels where the game is playable. If we look even further back GMS got some exclusive Hayato balance changes (other servers didn't see these buffs for over a year AFAIK) due to the Hayato community providing very detailed feedback to our past CM Kyrios. We all know Nexon ignores most of the suggestions we provide, but totem removal is an important enough matter that its a hill we should willing to die on.

I don't know of a single person who has reached endgame without majorly benefitting from spawn boosters, even by the most generous definitions of endgame. It makes no sense for someone to support the removal of a system which was critical for them to get to a place where they don't need it anymore. There is no reason to gatekeep newer players from experiencing systems we heavily took advantage of which will heavily gut both their progression speed and enjoyment of the game.

I encourage more players supporting the change to compare training on/off totem for prolonged periods of time. Off totem you have to expend significantly more effort in a larger map to even minimize the difference compared to totem, on top of being much more boring due to killing less monsters. People get caught up a lot in the part where they feel they need to train for the two hours, but not only can you just ditch early (I've ditched totems/coupons early countless times just cause I didn't feel like training anymore/need to go) but the alternative of training without totem is much worse.

Even when we still had kishin, adding totems to the game was an extremely good decision because it lowered the dependence on the 2PC meta at the time. If you were around when totems were released there was an extremely obvious impact. Prior to totems being released, most people would just park their mains at somewhere in 240-250 and spend most of their time farming on a kanna because they lacked a second PC to use kishin on because pushing levels was far too difficult without spawn boosters. However once totems were released it became significantly more viable to train your main without a second PC and the amount of players who were pushing levels past 250 skyrocketed. Suddenly fighting black mage and liberating a genesis weapon were in reach of more casual players who didn't want to buy another computer just to play Maplestory. Nowadays with Cernium and Hotel, people can hit 275 with just a few months of totems and a significantly higher % of the playerbase can enjoy the endgame than ever before.

In the recent KMS Maple Vision talk, they discussed that over time they have implemented measures to make the endgame more approachable for a larger % of players, citing the % of players who had achieved Lvl 250 in the past 3 years. So if this is their aim, it seems highly contradictory to gut our progression speed with removing totems. As others have stated many times, it's not a good thing to match progression speed with KMS, they need to cater to different region's playerbases.