Totem Removal

Totem removal? Good.

Starforce cost reduction? GOOD.

The community arguing over every little point about this change? GOOOOOOOD.

Maybe the community should have come together earlier about removal of legacy items such as badges, lab pieces, and dark totems instead of justifying their removal. Maybe the community should have come together during the unjustified Kanna damage nerfs instead of justifying it. Now I will justify totem removal.

Totems were absolutely broken to the balance of the game. It was a completely unjustified 30%+ exp boost in addition to more mesos and nodes. It is the reason we have expensive starforce costs that newer players can't afford. Now that spawn enhancers are gone in reboot, we can finally have an affordable starforce cost. Now people will finally enjoy starforcing like I do.

Thank you Nexon for removing totems.