Ten Months of Flag Racing
Hi everyone!
I'm not the best Flag Racer, but because I have the privilege of working from home, I've been able to participate in a lot of races this past year. I've been recording my scores since February 1 for my own personal reference, to keep track of my progress, and et cetera. Now that flag as we know it is coming to an end, I've compiled some results from the past 41 weeks and decided to share them for your amusement :)
Check out my results to get a sense of what a regular racer's history looks like, or just to laugh with me at how much time I spent on the snowfield. I've also included some example snippets of my weekly scores at the end so you can get a sense of how I've kept track of them.
To everyone who's ever Flagged with me or against me, thank you for the hours of fun we spent together! If you'd like, drop a comment below and let me know what you think about the upcoming changes. Personally, I think that the more flexible schedule will be a huge relief to me, even though I will miss PVP flagging dearly. Anyway, enjoy!