Blackguard Guild Photo 2024 & Recruiting!

Hello Maplers!

As of May 13th, it has been 4 years since Blackguard was created on the Kronos server. From there, the guild and its members have accomplished a lot. To celebrate, one of our officers created this very cool interactive guild "photo", which features participating members and their highest recorded solo boss clear.

Over the years, Blackguard has built up a reputation in the community as a home to solo progressors. While it is true that Blackguard is probably one of the most supportive places to be if you are solo progressing, there is more to Blackguard than that! We love talking about and playing the game together and our discord is, if I may, poppin' at all times of the day.

In fact, most of the late and endgame representatives of the guild have made their way up through group progression, challenging themselves on difficult group clears over soloing. We have players working on anything in parties from hlucid to ckalos. Although "struggle" is a pretty abused term within the larger Maple community, Blackguard's parties really earn their achievements when clearing content for the first time.

More than anything, Blackguard is about players pushing themselves and developing their hands, whether that's in a party setting or a solo setting.

To capture the spirit of that during the upcoming summer patch, Blackguard will be hosting a guild-exclusive event where you too can put those fingers to the grindstone and make some friendships along the way.

Here is the rough event format:

  1. With your hyper burning character, you will sign up as a mentee and be placed in a party of other mentees.
  2. You will be assigned one (or a few) mentors who will help your party throughout your progression journey, including coaching through bosses.
  3. The goal is to clear ctene (bonus points for BM), with your party, on your hyper burning character before the end of the event.
  4. There will be prizes!

If this seems similar to Nexon's boss rush event from a while back, you'd be right! And by the way, this works best if you are a new or returning player who has never cleared ctene before and have limited resources on your account.

Note: If you're on Hyperion, this event can still work for you, but you won't have an in-game guild to support you. Let us know when you drop in and we'll figure something out.

If you don't fit that description, we would love to have you join our community regardless. There are lots of veteran players to party up and hang out with outside of this guild event. In particular, we would love to meet more motivated players with an appetite for difficult clears to form Grandis+ parties, even if it's as guests in our discord.

We also plan on doing events that cater more to veteran players in the future!

With all that said, thank you for helping us celebrate our 4th anniversary by reading this post. We hope you join our guild discord (join code blackguardms) and become part of our tight-knit but diverse community.

See you soon!