What determines which level of the Abyssal Expedition Legion Block we get?

Edit: nvm, the Patch Notes have been updated and the confusing info removed. It's option 3.

The event notes (https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/88519/join-the-abyssal-expedition) say:


Ancient Manon's Forest

  • Complete End of Abyss Expedition Achievement
  • Defeat Abyss Manon once
  • Reach Master III Rank
  • Reach Expedition Lv. 220

Complete Ancient Manon's Forest

  • Abyssal Expedition (Minar Forest): Legion Block. Permanent. Grants the following stats:
    • Lv. 60: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7
    • Lv. 100: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +14
    • Lv. 140: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +21
    • Lv. 200: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +28
    • Lv. 250: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +35


The notes do not, however, say what controls which level of the Legion block we get. Possibilities include:

  1. Your expedition level. Meaning, if you claim the block after doing the minimum to qualify for it, you get the lv200 block because your expedition level is only 220. You have to keep training your remaining mercenaries until you have all 25 at level 10, for the best block.
  2. The level of your character doing the event. So if you're doing it on your level 101 mule, you get the lv100 block.
  3. Nothing. You always get the lv250 block, if you get anything at all.

Anyone have info from TMS/CMS regarding this?