Happy with Soul Erda Dailies and Cap

This is not a meme post, it is not rage bait, it is simply how I feel about the leak. I am happy with the soul erda daily and daily cap on soul erda (assuming they are implemented together). I will not be boycotting. I hope there are others that feel the same way.

I was dreading 6th job release because I thought it meant I had to level to 285 to keep up with content (didn't make it, stopped at 280, couldn't find the time to train anymore) and then had to grind a lot to access 6th job. While some people may want to grind for 6th job, and this prevents them from doing so (unfortunate for this group), the daily and the cap means I do not need to be worried about grinding. I am excited to play knowing that even if I don't grind, I will still be able to have access to 6th job like everyone else. Removing the daily and the cap to align with other regions means players like myself who don't grind will not have a reliable income of soul erda. I hope nexon keeps these changes.

Oz ring changes suck though.