Srutigitu Terraform Project. (Would be helpful if everyone helped fund it! Read the description in the body text. It’s pretty long so you can skim over it or read it when you have the time.)
Time for Shootn’ at stars
*The Srutigitu Terraforming Project•
Srutigitu is the hottest planet in the Toulmondian Solar System. And it’s a hell wasteland with a thick atmosphere. So why even bother trying to terraform it? Well. Srutigitu is the closest thing to a planet with the same size and mass as Toulmond. Which is important for keeping any long time stays on Srutigitu to be healthy. And so for that, the Federal Republic of Libland has decided to embark on this ambitious project. Even if it takes several life times to complete. And with that, the plan to terraform Srutigitu.
The Plan
As we know. Srutigitus hellish thick atmosphere is pumped with CO2. Which is mostly the reason Srutigitu is so hot. In order to remove a lot of the CO2 from the atmosphere. We’re going to use chemical reactions using calcium to remove the CO2. Unfortunately, we need 1 Quadrillion tons of calcium to make this work. So where would one get this stupid amount of calcium. The two closest planets to the sun, Evertoguillotine, and Hardetsrita. You see, these two planets are rich as fuck with calcium. And give us more than enough of the stuff to make this work. Now, this does has implications that these two planets might cease to exist. But not to fret! These two planets are basically useless. And don’t serve any purpose or value other than their calcium. So how do we get this calcium to Srutigitu. Massive. Fucking. Cannons. Because of the two planets with calcium are so small. You need way less power to get out of their gravity. Thus allowing us to construct cannons that easily shoot calcium off the planet. And into our soon to be home sweet home. Alright. So we found a way to get rid of all that shitty CO2. What now.
THE PLAN pt2: Electric Boogaloo
After 60 years the planet should become cold enough for the CO2 to become a liquid. At this point the CO2 would be raining down flooding the planet in a constant rain. After 120 years the planet goes down to a whopping -56°C. (-69°F for my fellow Americans.) it’s also worth mentioning that the atmospheric pressure is the same as Toulmonds at this point. So the whole thick atmosphere thing is not a problem anymore. The CO2 oceans will begin to turn into snow by this point as the planet reaches -90°C. So the planet is an ice rock with an atmosphere that is nearly 99% nitrogen now. So.. what do we do next? Well if we heat up the planet, the CO2 will melt and we’re back to square one. So that’s not an option. It’s pretty obvious actually. Remember those giant cannons that we used to get the calcium to the planet? Well. We’re using them again. We’ll take the frozen CO2 and shoot it into space. And we’ll use the frozen CO2 to make a small moon for future use. After that, this process is so far taken 220 years. Which is a long time, but still not unimaginable. So now we need water to put on the planet. This is quite easy to do, we just use ice moons from the gas giants. We can’t use the cannons so we’ll just cut up ice chunks and ship them back to the planet. This is expected to take around 100 years. A big jump from 220 years to 320 years. Long, but still not unimaginable. The water ice then gently is dropped into the planets atmosphere where it falls down as snow. Now what do with the excess nitrogen. We do the same thing that we did with the CO2. Catapult it out of there. After a few decades, Ice oceans will form. And continents will start to form. Hey, this is starting to look like Toulmond.
THE PLAN pt3: The Final Backshot
Now. How to make the atmosphere breathable. A pretty important step to the process actually. But first, we need to heat up the planet now that we removed the CO2. Remember the CO2 moon that we made? Well. To hear the planet back up a little bit. We add a very tiny amount of CO2 back to the planet to heat it up. And boom. The planet heats back up after 60 years and we have a planet with water oceans. We are now at year 400 into the process. Now to make the atmospheres breathable finally. This is pretty simple, we just add Cyanobacteria. That will photosynthesize and add oxygen into the atmosphere.
There you have it folks.
That’s pretty much the end of the process. All you have to do is add animals, and you’ve got yourself a full proof copy of Toulmond. Just make sure the ecosystem doesn’t collapse with the animals you have will ya.