Successful manifesting all boils down to "true belief" in your subconscious that you already have it.

As Ive been on this journey and learning all the different techniques and practices it seems this is really the final trick. Everything else is just a means to get you to this point, to get your subconscious to believe it's actually possible. It's all about convincing yourself.

That's also why the easiest way to start manifesting is picking small things that could very easily already happen even without any direction from you. As you succeed at these easy manifestations it begins to build your belief and confidence that you can actually do it. Then you can begin to go bigger and bigger.

Yes technically you could achieve this purity of beliefe overnight, and start creating massive manifestations instantly. But for most of us, our subconscious can't really get to that in a single leap no matter how hard we focus on it, so we have to do these other practices to train the belief into it.