What getting married and having babies did to my daydreams

I’ve been a maladaptive daydreamer since I was a small child. Eventually when I was 16 it totally consumed my life. I dropped out of school and cut ties with all my friends just so I could stay home and daydream. Sometimes I would go weeks without speaking to anyone. Most days I didn’t even shower or brush my teeth. All I cared about was my fantasy world.

Eventually I met my now husband when I was 20 and he started to keep me tethered to reality. I enjoyed spending time with him more than I did daydreaming. Sometimes though I would make up an excuse for him to leave when the urges got to strong lol.

Anyways 4 years later we are married and have 2 children. I rarely daydream anymore. I’m to busy taking care of helpless babies all day. I still do at night when they’re sleeping but my daydreams have gotten so stale. I’ve run out of content. I also start feeling lonely and isolated. I go outside and walk around and listen to music while I do it. I start thinking about my babies and how I should be inside with them or spending time with my husband with what little free time we have.

I’m definitely not completely cured but I’ve come so far lol. Being in the car is still a huge trigger. Sometimes I load the babies up for their nap time and go drive the backroads and listen to music and get completely lost in fantasy. It works out perfectly because my babies love cat rides and it puts them right to sleep even with music blaring.