Solar panels worth it?

I’ve been working with someone from Empower Energy Solutions with getting solar panels installed. Between four people and a poorly insulated 1900’s house, we use quite a lot of energy.

I’m wondering whether it’s worth it at this stage to invest in solar panels, I am a new homeowner and we’ve had our home for about a year. I’m not fully sure whether we’ll stay in it for 25 years (the term of the loan), it depends on whether we can afford all the bills if we were to buy out the other homeowner and his partner. We plan to buy them out when they can afford to build in the next 5-7 years.

I’ve been speaking with the rep there, and he’s told me a lot of things that make me feel more comfortable about going solar, like the continued climbing rates of electric, having access to full net metering (which he said might go away), and transferring the lease to the new homebuyer/putting it into the cost of the house if I were to sell when it came time. I guess I’m not sure if what he’s saying is entirely true, or if he’s also just trying to make a sale, which would be totally understandable.

I’ve been looking around, and a lot of people say yes absolutely, for some reason I just feel like my situation is a little unique. I just wanted to see what other people’s input might be before I decide to pull the trigger. I can give more context if necessary. Thanks y’all :)

I’ve been working with someone from Empower Energy Solutions with getting solar panels installed. Between four people and a poorly insulated 1900’s house, we use quite a lot of energy.

I’m wondering whether it’s worth it at this stage to invest in solar panels, I am a new homeowner and we’ve had our home for about a year. I’m not fully sure whether we’ll stay in it for 25 years (the term of the loan), it depends on whether we can afford all the bills if we were to buy out the other homeowner and his partner. We plan to buy them out when they can afford to build in the next 5-7 years.

I’ve been speaking with the rep there, and he’s told me a lot of things that make me feel more comfortable about going solar, like the continued climbing rates of electric, having access to full net metering (which he said might go away), and transferring the lease to the new homebuyer/putting it into the cost of the house if I were to sell when it came time. I guess I’m not sure if what he’s saying is entirely true, or if he’s also just trying to make a sale, which would be totally understandable.

I’ve been looking around, and a lot of people say yes absolutely, for some reason I just feel like my situation is a little unique. I just wanted to see what other people’s input might be before I decide to pull the trigger. I can give more context if necessary. Thanks y’all :)