Please Upvote this Fullscreen on Ultrawide Monitors Bug Report on MTG Arena - It's Not Getting Enough Attention!
Hey everyone,
I wanted to bring to your attention a bug report on the official Wizards of the Coast feedback page affecting gameplay in MTG Arena. Unfortunately, it hasn't received enough votes for WoTC to prioritize a fix (only at ~ 30 votes). The bug is a frustrating experience for those of us who play on ultrawide monitors, and your votes could make a massive difference in getting it officially resolved!
Here's a link to the bug report: MTG Arena switches to windowed mode constantly for ultrawide aspect ratios.
Please take a minute to upvote it if you're experiencing this issue or want to help. The more votes it gets, the higher the chance it gets fixed soon!
Thanks for your support!
Edit 1: just to clarify, I'm not the person who made the bug report, just someone who is tired of it 😩
Edit 2: fixed really bad spelling errors