Hear me out: Brawl Deck Strength should be visible (or at least the sorted tiers)

Right now several commanders/color pairings are unplayable simply because (it feels like) they get sorted into higher weight classes.

Without the ability to (know where to) adjust the deck strength it becomes a Arms Race to shove the strongest cards into every deck (Mana Drain for every blue deck, etc.)

I'm not against playing at the upper tiers of Brawl, but I'd like to know that my deck is in that Tier before spending an hour assembling a tribal deck just to Queue into Boardwipe the Deck.

The Argument that Deck Strength indicator is a bad idea because Players will game the system is BS because invested Players are already doing that (swapping Opt for Sleight of Hand, example).

The only thing that's happening is making the deck building process a Trial-and-error endeavor.