We did it boyz!!!

Just my first FP mythic.. after tons of gridning! Luckily, as your team gets better I think it gets easier to level up and/ or complete FP journey etc etc. I made it to iconic Brady when I started, but only just barely... CJ2K seemed like it was in reach, until it wasn't. Ended up with iconic and an extra epic for arena- of course that means I also missed out on mythic Raquan :aigh: but at least hit the 2k coin or whatever before the 2nd iconic.

So, from falling short to hitting this go! Super pumped!! 🤘🤘

For anyone who does this every FP, do you think I still have time to stack enough TTP (I'm about to be broke) to get O or ST to max? Is it worth it?? In game it says it transfers, right??? Only if you hit max?? I'm confused on that bit... screen shot shows "mastery bonus carried over" meaning getting to 8 doesn't do ish for next FP?