Anyone Experience Aggressive Targeted Driving By Anti-EV Pickup Truck Drivers?

Had two incidents this week in my new Grabber Blue Mach-E which I love.

  1. Pickup truck tailgating on highway
    1. Was driving slightly above speed limit in left lane when a pickup truck comes up behind me flashing its lights. I was waiting for a center lane vehicle to fall behind so I could move over.
    2. Mashed the accelerometer to pull very far ahead of the truck behind me and the center lane vehicle, then moved over
    3. Pickup truck comes storming up the left lane and passes in the center only to himself pull into center lane himself a few car lengths ahead.
    4. I moved over to right and slow down to slightly below speed limit.
    5. The pickup truck maintains speed for a while, then accelerates away.
    6. This could be normal-ish in NJ, but today...
  2. Pickup truck aggressively honking horn behind me waiting for a left turn
    1. Left turn could not be made due to traffic.
    2. Due to the aggressive honking, I make the left as the yellow turns red.
    3. Truck follows through the red, the on a single lane Main Street tries to pass on the right!
    4. Was nearly forced into oncoming traffic.
    5. Truck driver then pulls over and enters a pizza shop.
    6. Call cops since this is right in front of police station so they come immediately and question the guy before letting him go because no cameras capture the incidents.

Anyone else dealing with these kinds of aggressive behaviors? Just traded in a Kia EV6 and didn't have anything like this in the 3 years I owned it.