Any app for youtube ripping?

  • SOLVED - *used ClipGrab & mp3tag - both free.

Hi! I found some concerts in YT that I'd like to rip, but I'm new to Mac. In my old Windows pc what I'd do is I'd download the .m4a from YT with an app (which I'd have to use a fake premium license, I don't even know if you can do that stuff in Mac) then edit it with Audacity (already have it installed on my mac) and finally edit the ""ID3 tags"" and album covers with another app to finally import it to iTunes -now Apple Music-. I guess my question is if there's any known apps that can do all that on Mac, and if they're free or whatever. (I try not to use online converters cause sometimes the audio has low quality) I always aim for 256kbps.