Recruiting for Duskfall, new progression guild

To explain who we are, I think I need to provide a bit of background.

You may be familiar with another one of Nexon's games, MapleStory. Almost four years ago we started Blackguard, a merit-based progression guild on the Reboot server (think Ironman mode in most games). It was hugely successful and the whole thing blossomed into a lovely community, with the discord now having over 500 members. Despite the size, it still feels tight-knit.

With Mabinogi, an ironman challenge doesn't feel appropriate. We wanted to do things differently this time while still keeping up the spirit of the way we like to approach games.

With that in mind, in one sentence, here's what you can expect from Duskfall: a progression-oriented community of conscientious players that enjoy challenge.

That's it!

Right now, Duskfall is in its infancy. There are only a handful of us. We are starting from scratch and have a new Discord server for our community, taking everything we've learned from Blackguard and carrying that success to Duskfall.

As Milletians, we are also in our infancy. We are veterans of the game in some aspects while being completely new in others. If you're a new player and you want to enjoy progression alongside a group of charismatic folks, you might find yourself having a good time by joining us.

As a last point, we thought we'd mention that we are modest spenders. Strictly f2p progression isn't our thing, but we aren't swiping hundreds weekly either. We think similar budget is likely something that would bring players closer or further apart, so we wanted to be open about that.

Thanks for reading thus far. If you're interested, you can find us by clicking on this Discord link.

We look forward to meeting you!