Shoutout to the awesome community of MWZ! (also read this if you're a new player to MWZ)
TLDR: the MWZ community is awesome! For new players please don't feel intimidated and reach out to the community (but please do a quick search before asking straight away here...). I'll share more tips for new players below too. Looking forward to playing BO6 zombies with you guys!
(Would be happy to read your positive/negative experience in the comments!)
Yes i'm a "game pass noob". I picked this game up when it came out on gamepass about 3 weeks ago. Started playing MWZ about 2 weeks ago.
Yes i was very overwhelmed at the beginning. I was expecting a round base game (like the very first COD zombie, you know the one you start in a mansion and you have to repair barriers...) imagine my shock when I discover the open map, contract, the different tier etc. Naturally my first few games I got my butt and spirit trashed by T1 and T2 zombies with no clue what I was doing. I had no clue why I wasn't keeping certain things(I wanted to keep my first ray gun so know how it is, the rest is never the same as your first). I died so many times that it got so bad that I didn't have any guns with me and my insured gun was always on cool down. (To the developer: Cooldown on guns is a real turn off. Do that if you want to frustrate new players!) I came here looking for help and guide. I found a lot of resources and a very helpful and pleasant community!
Some highlights and I couldn't have done this without you:
- I had squad mates and make friends from China, Netherland, Greece, Australia, HK and counting!
- completed Act 1 to Act 3 within 2 weeks
- got help with schematics: legendary aether tool, flawless crystal, aether balde, Golden Armour (haven't unlock the rest of the classified schematics)
- managed to get a 6 squad achievement for "All against One" trophy/achievement. (I was about to give up hope getting this...)
- got carried and thank you for the countless revive in Red Worm/Dark Aether rounds. (one time, I was just a tourist and just followed everyone in the DA: I had no equipment and my weapon was Green and PAP1... my weapon feels like a watergun against zombies... my most embarrassing moment...)
Naturally the community isn't perfect, you have less helpful and real dick players too. But it is a small group (about less than 2% of my experience).
- From the less helpful person (but not a dick) who told me "to watch a Youtube video so my teammate doesn't have to babysit me". My personal and humble opinion: you need to experience the game a few times to understand the game mechanic before watching any videos. Nevertheless, the community been awesome to me and "babysit' me a few rounds.
- To the absolute dick (talking to you WalterWhite). I was getting the hang of it and a new player just joined in. So I decided to guide the new player. This WalterWhite was just a terrible person! Firstly WalterWhite would use scorcher to jump to our location and ahead to destroy all vehicles forcing me and the new player to walk the entire game. Then WalterWhite would jump ahead to steal all the contracts we would be walking towards. WalterWhite did this the entire game. To me, I didn't mind as I was getting the hang of the game. To WalterWhite, I call you a dick but I don't hate you. I hope you get help to address your underlying issue to bully others in a game with no benefit to you. (If its to feed your need to feel empowered because you were a victim of abuse before, I highly recommend therapy... it works!). Lucky it only happened once, never experience anything similar.
- it's a game so have fun
- don't be afraid to ask for help (please type in the chat or use mic)
- play a few rounds of MWZ and watch videos, it will help
- If you need revive, ask for revive and share location eg "revive please, B5". (Manage your expectation and be patient, no need to spam every 10 sec... some players are far away or in a middle of a contract)
- Don't feel the need to rush into t3, get the hang of t2 first. The difficulty gap between t2 and t3 is extreme and really punishing. (i'm still not confident to solo t3 myself)
- if you lose all your gears, yes it is frustrating but it is very easy to get it back
- if you are feeling very frustrated, post in the game, some players will share their gears (i told someone i was feeling frustrated because my game crashed and lost everything, the other player shared their gear and told me to take it easy and chill while they help to complete the contract for me)
- Don't abuse point 7 and keep begging, it is annoying
- Don't worry about the best gun, any rare (blue) gun with PAP2 1 is survivable in T2 and easy to get to PAP2. Once you get it PAP2 you will have an easier time in T2 (if you need to find blue gun, either use mystery box or drive around T2 to find one, you might even find purple)
- Read and familiar yourself with tip #1 again
Thank you for reading to the end and looking forward to seeing you guys in BO6 zombies!