Stepping back for a bit

It seems dumb posting this but I don't want it to feed some kind of conspiracy so here we are.

The general direction of this sub has changed a lot in the last months but especially in the last weeks. Its been taken over by some people that have legitimate complaints but they seems to just want it to be a cess pool of hate. I get being frustrated but being mean is taking it a little too far. We're all people asked is easy to forget that with the Internet. We've taken some major steps as a company to get better and that will continue to happen but it will not happen over night. I do believe that is better than its ever been but we'll need to prove that through our actions. I'll also say that this can turn into a bit of an echo chamber. If even 5% of our total customers posted here it would be a much larger community and maybe it wouldn't skew so negative at times. It certainly goes more negative with the holidays which makes sense, its by far our busiest time of the year. There aren't even subs for most of our competitors so I guess there isn't a great direct comparison.

I'm primarily here for the same reasons most of you guys are, I genuinely like mobile photography and I like talking about it and working on cool projects around it. I was here before I worked for moment and I created this account to try and help out where I could here. Either by seeing issues in real time before my monthly reports come in from other internal company processes or by catching customers that might have fallen through the cracks in the system for a handful of other reasons and giving them a path to hopefully get their issues resolved. Its in no way "part of my job" and honestly its probably more of a distraction than its worth from a company perspective.

So I'll be stepping back and you guys can do with it want you want. I mean, you always could always, I'm not a mod here. I just won't be replying to posts for a while. I can't speak for my co-workers, they are in a similar situation of it not being their job, they just want to help. There are even some of the gear guides around here for the same reasons. No one at moment is assigned to Reddit.

Either way, you can always dm me or email into the gear guides if you need anything and I'll do what I can.

Please feel free to downvote as you want. I don't care about karma on this account in any way.