Help Create a Favorites List: Fanfiction
The Subreddit Favorites List Project
Every Sunday, a member of the subreddit resources team will make a post asking for top recommendations in a specific category.
You can find all of the Goodreads shelves created for this project so far at this link.
You can find all past posts for this project at this link.
Suggest Your Favorite Books in This Week’s Category
This week’s category is: [Fanfiction]
In the comments, please suggest your all-time favorites and top recommendations in this category.
Link to Goodreads shelf for this category: N/A
Rules for suggestions:
Make your suggestions by Saturday of this week.
Please don’t suggest more than five books
Feel free to say something about why you're recommending a book. We'll be saving these posts as a resource, too, in case people want more info about how books were chosen.
Use individual book names, not series names.
If you’re suggesting a series of books about the same couple, please list only the first book in the series, since that is where readers will need to start.
If you’re suggesting a book in a series about different couples, you can list whichever book(s) in that series you recommend. For example, you could suggest only Heated Rivalry and none of the other books in the Game Changers series, if you wished.
Special rules for this week’s category: Please only recommend fanfiction of existing work (books, movies…), and do not include any real person fic. Please make sure to mention the related fandom as well.