In what MMO would you want to be crazy rich..

While acquiring wealth is a natural path /endgame for most mmos, I believe there are some in which being crazy wealthy would matter more than the others.

What I am thinking something in the lines of Ultima Online where you could flex owning huge castles, mansions, most expensive dyes or items, essentially able to store and show it to the world.

In modern mmos, wealth seems to be a transfer mechanism for cash shop currencies or consumables, where most super rare items are not even tradeable in the first place.

This in my opinion kills the real aspect of wealth where nothing is really that rare or unique and possesed by a few; things are either unlocked via cash shops or raids.

Any examples where actually having so mhch wealth would allow one to outright purchase some of the rarest items in a game? Or maybe being able to own that crazy cosmetic or housing item that is still tradeable and not account bound.

In other words, in what games is it really worth having so much wealth that, if, something truly rare or unique were added, you would be the first one to have it…