I was told I was a shitty mother today
My son is almost 4. He's autistic and nonverbal. He's incredibly smart and elopes. He climbs on chairs, knows how to open locks, kicks fence boards loose, anything to get out. I literally have to watch him every waking moment. After he got out the first time, my husband and I are careful to lock doors. We invested in a new fence and an expensive camera system. He figured out how to unlock the garage door today and got out. We live on outskirts of a subdivision, and he got to the main road. He was out for maybe five minutes. We had just been coloring and cutting up paper and I was picking up scraps. I'm sick (covid, actually) and I didn't hear the garage door open as I was cleaning up. I didn't realize he could undo the new lock. This is a new development.
I ran out and found a car pulled over. Obviously the guy had seen my son on the road and pulled over. The guy started screaming at me that I was a shitty mother. I grabbed my son and I could feel tears streaming down my face. I told him he's autistic and elopes, but the guy kept screaming at me that I'm a piece of shit. I just left with my son.
I immediately ordered a chain lock, another type of door lock, and a medical bracelet he can't remove. I'm trying to do a good job as a parent. I work from home and I'm trying to balance my sons and my job. He could have died. I just feel so defeated.