I think that the complaining about this game is insane and getting out of hand
For me personally this was one of the most anticipated games EVER and it still has met my expectations. The only real gripe I get is the performance issues but those will be hammered out over time.
Complaints about lack of content are strange to me especially considering that the future title updates they are going to be releasing are free. In contrast to the godawful business practice of today's triple A gaming industry this should be an upside.
Capcom could very well have decided to slap price tags on all future updates, lock all layered armor behind paywalls loot crates and battle passes, or even not to have innovated on their combat system like most modern AAA games do and just reskinned world but they didn't.
As far as I'm concerned they are doing god's work in an otherwise corrupted and greedy industry, no game is perfect but very few are as good as this one.
As far as complaining about how long it takes to beat the game I feel there is somewhat of a personal element to that issue. If you are speed running to the end like many I have seen that's kind of on you. The game may be shorter than previous titles have been but it's also more complex both graphically and mechanically.
I still personally feel like world had a similar length and it only truly occupied a lot of people's time when iceborne came out. I remember people saying the same about rise as well. When the DLC is released in the future I'm sure it will add plenty of content.
Until then we get free title updates and performance improvements. They started high and still things can only get better from here.
Thank you Capcom for an awesome experience, I look forward to everything the future of this game has to offer.