(Spoilers): These two are perfect rivals for each other
Anjanath and Doshaguma are perfect rivals and I honest to god hope we see their relationship get expanded with future titles.
Everything about these two is absolutely perfect in how they compare and contrast. They’re both savage brutes but go in completely different ways about it.
Anjanath is a solitary monster that dislikes anything even its own kind where as Doshaguma are pack of bullies that wander the Windward and Forest.
They’re both absolutely brutal with how they deal with other monsters. With Doshaguma snapping jaws of Balahara and crushing Lala Barina or Anjanath wiping the floor with Great Jagras’s spine and Ragdolling Tobi-Kadachi.
They have complete territory overlap with both preferring jungles, deserts snd open plains.
They have similar roles in their respective stories with Doshaguma being fought twice and Anjanath Being fought three times.
Doshaguma is Bear and Anjanath is a Tyrannosaurus Rex both the perfect representations of power and strength in the animal kingdom.
And their actual turf war is absolutely glorious, the fact that Doshaguma despite singly being completely out matched still ruthlessly attacks Anjanath is so commendable. But that the grab and slam is so perfectly Anjanath and I love that instead of panicking Doshaguma is still swiping and biting aimlessly in a desperate attempt to fight back. Anjanath vs Doshaguma is the perfect turf war of two monsters slugging it out.
And the fact that Anjanath is an apex makes this so much better, having Doshaguma always aggressively trying to punch up to Anjanath’s level and using numbers to gain an advantage is such a cool idea for a monster on monster rivalry.
Doshaguma and is honestly a much better rival for Anjanath than Rathalos or Tigrex, and I hope that if they ever integrate the pack mechanic in turf wars they could expand upon this rivalry between these two savages of the windward and the Ancient Forest.