Lance: Things We Learned About the Changes Today
Hello Lance friends, I want to share the Lance gameplay videos I found today and some of the things I've learned.
Counter thrust is back: As they had announced, the counter thrust (now called charged thrust) is back, and you can use it from neutral or after any attack. You can charge it to level 2 like in the beta, I'm not sure if the hyper armor you get when going through an enemy attack (like an offset but not really) is still there.
Guard dash: It seems the same as in the beta. I was hoping the animation wouldn't be as slow, but it seems like it's a side effect of the perfect guard shield animation. It is still slow.
Cavalry Rush, a.k.a., dash attack: In the beta, it was painfully slow; you couldn't even keep up with limping monsters. It seems to be a little faster now, in the sense that you get to max speed faster.
The new attack: It is called "Grand Retribution Thrust," and you can do it after a perfect guard or a power guard. I thought the damage would be a little higher, but we'll have to wait for the full game to see; motion values usually change. But the animation is crazy good, in my opinion.
Leaping thrust: They changed the input after a power guard to triangle instead of triangle + circle. I guess this is what they were talking about when they said people were doing attacks by accident in the community update. People probably were still holding R2 and going into the dash attack by accident.
The videos: some of them are in japanese, but they have time stamps to lance ランス
Let me know if i missed anything
Edit: I was rewatching the videos and noticed sometimes the GRT (grand retribution bla bla) makes the lance glow red and deals more damage. It is probably tied to the dmg of the attack you just blocked/absorved