MEGA account closure - objectionable content

I received this email today and i am scared. I did have some adult videos but not anything they say i did. What should i do?

This is the email I received 😭

Recently you were sent an email advising that your account was found to contain copies of files that were reported to us as being objectionable under Section 3(1)(A) of the New Zealand Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993. In particular, this relates to objectionable violence, and depictions of sexual conduct with or by children, or young persons (Section 3(3)(a)(iv)), which is an offence carrying potentially lengthy prison sentences in our and your jurisdiction.

We removed from your account the copies of such files that were reported to us and advised you to remove ALL objectionable material from your account IMMEDIATELY and refrain from EVER adding any of it again in the future.

However we have now found copies in your account of further files that were reported to us as being objectionable under Section 3(1)(A) of the New Zealand Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993.

As advised previously, this second strike has resulted in IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT closure of your account and potential further consequences for you.