T20 Business Schools for Family Business Entrepreneurs?
In my research, I can across 3 schools: CBS, Kellogg and Cornell Johnson
Questions: Can someone tell me how their family business experience has been at these programs & how they compare to each other? Are there other programs I should consider?
More Context: My career goal is to help take over and grow my family business global conglomerate. Our main operations are in the US and East Asia (China, Japan, Thailand). We operate in the horticulture, biotech, home decor, and art trading industries (very eclectic I know).
I plan on working at MBB for a few years immediately post-MBA or just go straight into the family business (depends on the state of the family biz). So ideally the b-school has a strong consulting recruiting program too.
For the Fam Biz aspect, looking for 3 things:
1)Offerings beyond a fam biz club: Courses on succession planning, conflict resolution, fam biz dynamics. Mentorship with fam biz leaders. Family Biz conferences/forums. Corporate visits.
2)Network: class contains a number of aspiring family business professional peers with a globally-oriented background that I can learn from. Also, they can serve as strong future connections.
3)Prestige & intl name recognition