
i need the summer smash lineup right now. this isn’t just me being impatient, this is real life desperation. i wake up thinking about it, i go to sleep thinking about it, and every second in between it’s on my mind. i’ve been refreshing pages, checking socials, looking for any sign, any hint, any tiny clue that could give me even the smallest idea of what’s coming. it’s taking over my brain. i can’t focus on anything else. school, work, normal conversations. i’m just sitting here waiting like my entire future depends on this.

i haven’t eaten a real meal in days because my stomach is in knots from the suspense. i can’t sleep because my brain won’t shut off. my friends are beyond tired of me bringing it up every five seconds and my family thinks i’ve completely lost my mind. they just don’t get it. they don’t understand what this means to me, how this lineup is about to change everything. the second it drops my entire personality will shift. the person i am right now is completely different from who i’ll be once i see those names. it’s going to be a spiritual experience, a life-altering moment, something i’ll tell my grandkids about one day.

please i’m on my knees begging. just drop it. end my suffering. give the people what they need. i promise i’ll be a better person. i’ll drink more water. i’ll stop hitting snooze on my alarm. i’ll do whatever it takes. just please i need this. we all need this.