Welcome to the new and improved r/LUNR

Due to the unprecedented popularity of u/IntuitiveMachines over the last 12 months (going from 2,000 to 16,000 members) and the heavy burden on the mods of late, we decided to migrate stock-related and LUNR specific content to r/Lunr.

The r/IntuitiveMachinces sub was initially created to cater to the discussion of the science and space missions of Intuitive Machines and we want to return to our roots as many of you requested, one sub that caters to the company, its scientific, governmental, and commercial missions and another sub that caters mainly to the stock and other stock-related discussions.

The mods are splitting duties and some are taking a much needed break, so please bear with us during this time as we work through the various kinks.

You should see the regular Daily Discussions Threads here. We always welcome comments and suggestions to improve our users experience. Thank you for your consideration.